

This Agreement is a binding contract between Oceanicearners, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and the Company's Client. It governs all aspects of cooperation, collaboration, and business relationships between Oceanicearners and the Client. These provisions apply during the provision of services by Oceanicearners to the Client and under the framework of this Agreement, as well as in accordance with other applicable legal provisions, provided they are consistent with this agreement. Members of our site are strictly prohibited from obtaining referrals through incentives, gifts, rewards, or any other means not explicitly mentioned on our site.



Funds and Purpose:

Investors agree to contribute a minimum amount of $30 (Thirty dollars) and a maximum of $100,000 (One Hundred thousand Dollars). By participating, investors confirm their funds are intended for investment purposes as outlined in the "INVESTMENT PLANS" webpage on Oceanicearners.com. Investors undertake this action willingly and at their sole discretion.



Upon investment, this Agreement ceases to be in effect once Upon investment, this Agreement ceases to be ineffective once Oceanicearners returns to the investor(s), the principal sum initially deposited.
Investors become eligible for periodic dividend-like auto-withdrawals, proportional to the deposited funds, according to the compounding disbursement frequency stated in the selected investment plan
- For short-term holdings, withdrawals occur at the scheduled date of the investment plan's completion.
- For medium-term and long-term holdings, withdrawals are periodic occurring withdrawals at regular intervals. Returning your principal sum upon maturity and crediting your Return on Investment automatically, based on the withdrawal mode designated on your chosen investment plan, and the disbursing frequency evaluated to the investment duration.


Principal Return:

After the investment duration, Oceanicearners would return the principal sum initially deposited by the Investor(s).


Agreement Termination of Investment Refund:

Should an Investor(s) wish to withdraw or terminate their investment(s) as regards to this Agreement before its scheduled expiration, they must provide an express notice to Oceanicearners and shall forfeit 40% of the principal sum initially deposited.


Acceptance of Terms:

Your use of Oceanicearners.com is subject to Oceanicearners' Terms of Use applicable to your jurisdiction, this Acceptable Use Policy ("Policy"), and any other terms, policies, and guidelines that apply to Oceanicearners.com (as defined in the Oceanicearners Terms of Use). By using Oceanicearners.com, you agree to abide by this Policy and assume full responsibility for complying with all relevant laws in your use of Oceanicearners.com, regardless of the purpose of your usage.


Prohibited Uses:

You may not use, facilitate the use of, or permit others to use Oceanicearners.com for engaging in the following activities ("Prohibited Uses"). While the list below is not exhaustive, it provides examples of prohibited activities. By using Oceanicearners.com, you acknowledge and agree that you will not use Oceanicearners.com for any of the following purposes:


Multiple Accounts:

Opening or maintaining more than one personal account with Oceanicearners.com is strictly prohibited. Personal accounts are intended solely for individual, family, or business investments for legitimate earnings. Registering multiple accounts within your team is strictly prohibited. All new investor profiles are closely monitored for any attempts at affiliate fraud. In the event of a confirmed affiliate fraud case, all accounts involved, including the referrer, will be permanently blocked without any refunds of deposits or available balances. Please use only one account for your investment needs.


Use of Site:

Do not post negative comments on public forums or Gold Rating Sites without first contacting our program administrator. There may have been a technical issue with your transaction, so please always communicate with the administrator to resolve any issues. We do not tolerate spam or any form of unsolicited commercial email (UCE) in this program. Violators of our spam policy will be promptly and permanently removed from the program.


Unlawful Activity:

Engaging in any activity that violates, or assists in the violation of, any applicable law, statute, ordinance, or regulation is strictly prohibited. This includes engaging in criminal or tortuous activities, such as child pornography, trafficking in obscene material, drug dealing, or gambling.


Abusive Activity:

Activities that place an undue or disproportionately large load on our website or disrupt, intercept, or misappropriate any system, data, or information are strictly prohibited. You must not transmit or upload any material to Oceanicearners.com that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or any other harmful or deleterious programs. Attempting to gain unauthorized access to Oceanicearners customer accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to Oceanicearners web platforms, whether through password mining, scraping, or any other manual or automated processes, is prohibited. Using another party's Oceanicearners account information to access or use Oceanicearners.com, unless expressly authorized by the user, is prohibited. Transferring your account access or rights to a third party or collecting information from Oceanicearners about others, including personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or customer names, without proper consent is strictly prohibited.


Abuse of Other Oceanicearners Customers or Employees:

Engaging in abusive activities or communications (oral or written) related to abusive, explicit, or hate speech directed toward other Oceanicearners customers or Oceanicearners employees is strictly prohibited. This includes activities that defame, abuse, extort, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate or infringe the legal rights (such as, but not limited to, rights of privacy, publicity, and intellectual property) of others. It is also prohibited to interfere with another individual's or entity's access to or use of any Oceanicearners platforms, including other Oceanicearners customers or Oceanicearners employees.



Engaging in activities that operate to defraud Oceanicearners customers or any other person or entity is strictly prohibited. Providing false, inaccurate, or misleading information to Oceanicearners.com is also prohibited. We reserve the right to investigate any suspected violations of this Policy and take appropriate action, including suspending or terminating accounts and disabling access to any content and resources that violate this Policy. In the event of suspected illegal, criminal, or fraudulent use of your account, you authorize us to share information about you, your account, and your transactions with law enforcement agencies.


Privacy and Data Protection


Protecting Privacy:

Protecting your privacy is a top priority for us. Please review our Privacy Policy to gain a better understanding of our commitment to safeguarding your privacy and protecting your data, as well as our use and disclosure of your information. If you receive information about another Oceanicearners customer through the platforms, you must maintain the confidentiality of that information and use it solely in connection with the service. You may not disclose or distribute another Oceanicearners user's information to a third party or use that information for marketing purposes without the user's express consent.


Legal Compliance:

You are solely responsible for ensuring that your use of Oceanicearners.com complies with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. By using Oceanicearners.com, you represent and warrant that you:
1. Will not use the Cryptocurrency Services in a manner that violates the general prohibitions outlined in your Oceanicearners Account according to the Oceanicearners Terms of Use.
2. Will maintain adequate security and control over all IDs, passwords, personal identification numbers, or any other codes used to access your Account and the Oceanicearners services.
3. Agree to keep your physical address, mailing address, email address, and other personal information up to date in your Oceanicearners profile.




Oceanicearners Liability:

We reserve the right to change the rules, commissions, and rates of the program at any time, at our sole discretion and without notice. This change may occur to preserve the integrity and security of our members' interests as a whole. You agree that it is your sole responsibility to regularly review the current terms.

Your Liability:

You are responsible for any reversals, chargebacks, claims, fines, penalties, or other liabilities incurred by Oceanicearners, another Oceanicearners user, or a third party due to your breach of this Agreement or your use of Oceanicearners.com. You agree to reimburse Oceanicearners, another user, or a third party for such liabilities. You acknowledge that you are responsible for the accuracy of all payments sent to Oceanicearners.com, and the company shall not be held liable for inaccuracies in transaction amounts, including sending money to incorrect payment details.

Actions by Company:

If we have reason to believe that you have engaged in restricted activities, violated any part of this Agreement, or provided incorrect information, we may take various actions to protect Oceanicearners, another Oceanicearners user, a third party, or you from reversals, chargebacks, claims, fines, penalties, and any other liability. These actions may include, but are not limited to:
• Closing, suspending, or limiting your access to your account or Oceanicearners.com, including restricting access to any of your funding sources, your ability to send money, make withdrawals, or remove financial information.
• Refusing to provide Oceanicearners Services to you in the future.
• Holding your funds for up to 180 days, if reasonably necessary to protect against the risk of liability.

• Taking legal action against you.
Oceanicearners, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate this Agreement, access to its website, or access to the Service for any reason and at any time upon notice to you and payment of any unrestricted funds held in custody for you.


Account Closure, Termination of Service, or Limited Account Access :

If we limit or close your account or terminate your use of our platform services for any reason, you may contact us to request the restoration of access if appropriate. However, if we find that you violated this Agreement, restoration is at our sole discretion. You may stop using Oceanicearners.com at any time or close your accounts by contacting us. Oceanicearners, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate this Agreement or terminate your access to Oceanicearners.com for any reason and at any time. If we terminate or limit your use of Oceanicearners.com, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide you with notice of our actions.


Privacy Policy:

Oceanicearners is committed to maintaining the privacy of its clients and does not provide any data on their commercial, financial, or other activities to financial, supervisory, or tax authorities under most circumstances. Exceptions include situations where a court demands information on a client's activities, or when such disclosure is explicitly agreed upon by the client with their unambiguous consent. Certain statistical information may be provided in cases where analysis cannot be used by third parties to influence this privacy policy. Real client data, including full names, addresses, and countries of residence, is not disclosed. To enhance confidentiality, clients are allowed to use fictitious names (usernames) when registering. The use of electronic payment systems is recommended to make it difficult for third parties to identify clients. Our commitment to safety and privacy is unwavering, and we continually improve our services to enhance confidentiality.


Policy Violation - User Fines:

If the Company incurs damages due to your violation of our policies, breaches of laws, or any actions that cause financial harm or expenses to the Company, we may withhold your funds for up to 180 days, impose fines for each violation, and take legal action to recover additional losses, investigation costs, fines, or legal fees incurred. You acknowledge and agree that a fine of USD 2,500.00 for violations of our Agreement is a reasonable minimum estimate of the Company's damages, considering the existing circumstances, including the relationship between the sum and the potential harm to the Company and the potential difficulty of proving actual damages. The Company may deduct such fines directly from any existing balance in the offending account or any other Oceanicearners account you control.



9.1 If you are uncertain about whether a cryptocurrency transaction is suitable for your circumstances, you should consult an independent financial adviser.
9.2 Your Oceanicearners Account is intended solely for the proper use of investment plan options designated by Oceanicearners on our website. Attempting to transfer any cryptocurrency or other digital or virtual assets that Oceanicearners does not formally recognize, whether through forks, airdrops, user error, OMNI layer protocols, or otherwise, is not accepted by Oceanicearners on behalf of any user. Oceanicearners will not provide any value for such Unsupported Assets.
9.3 Under no circumstances should you use your Account to send, request, or receive any assets other than Supported Cryptocurrencies.
9.4 Oceanicearners assumes no responsibility for the use of digital currencies not supported by the platform. Sending incompatible cryptocurrencies results in the complete loss of funds, which cannot be recovered.
9.5 If an Unsupported Asset is sent to Oceanicearners by a third party or user, it is effectively lost to such third parties or users. Oceanicearners will treat any Unsupported Assets as their property.
9.6 Oceanicearners is not responsible for the recovery or return of any Unsupported Assets sent to Oceanicearners by any third party or user.


Liability for Failure to Complete Transfers:

If Oceanicearners fails to complete a transfer to or from your account or use your saved payment information on time or in the correct amount, according to this Agreement, Oceanicearners will be liable for your losses or damages to the extent required by law. However, Oceanicearners will not be liable in the following cases:
• If the funds in your account are subject to legal process or other encumbrance restricting their use.
• If Oceanicearners.com was not functioning properly, and you were aware of the issue when you initiated the transfer.
• If the failure results from Oceanicearners being unable to access a linked withdrawal account for any reason other than due to our Company's fault.
• If you provided inaccurate or incomplete information regarding the transfer.
• If the transfer appears suspicious, fraudulent, or unauthorized, and the Company cannot confirm its legitimacy.
• If the account of a user involved in a transfer is under investigation by the Company or appears to be prohibited.



All design, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio and video clips, their selection and arrangement, and all software on the Sites are copyrighted by Oceanicearners. Oceanicearners is the exclusive owner of all content on the Sites, and this compilation is protected by international copyright laws.


Investors Agreement of Service:

In this agreement, OCEANICEARNERS invites individuals, businesses, and organizations to participate in investment earnings. The agreement outlines the following:
12.1 The Investor(s) must fund a minimum amount of $30 (Thirty dollars) up to a maximum of $100,000 (One Hundred thousand Dollars). This investment is intended for earnings listed on the INVESTMENT PLANS webpage, and the Investor(s) participate willingly and at their sole discretion.
12.2 Upon investment, the Investor(s) become eligible for periodic dividend-like auto-withdrawals based on the deposited funds and the specified compounding disbursement frequency (available for medium-term and long-term investments only).
12.3 At the end of the investment duration, the company will return the principal sum initially deposited by the Investor(s).
12.4 This agreement terminates once the company returns the principal sum deposited.
12.5 If the Investor(s) wishes to renew this agreement upon its expiration, they must provide express notice to the company one week before expiration.
12.6 In the event the Investor(s) wishes to withdraw from this agreement before its expiration, they must provide one-week express notice to the company and forfeit 40% of the principal sum initially deposited for investment.
12.7 In the event of illegal or fraudulent funds or proceeds of fraud, the company will cooperate with law enforcement agencies, including forfeiting the funds to aid investigations or prosecution. The company shall not be liable to the Investor(s) in such cases.


ROIs Policy:

We assure you that your principal investment will be returned at maturity, and your return on investment will be credited to your account on the disbursing compounded frequency of your invested plan's duration, automatically(Where there is a designated payout account) for medium-term(Exceeds a Week) holdings and Long-term(Exceeds a Month) holdings as both the returns and your principal are credited alongside(together) at the maturity for short-term(Within a week) holdings. Hence manually(Where there is No payout account designated) at the withdrawal request of your convenience. (Navigating through the user dashboard option(s) for requesting payouts from/for your investment returns with Oceanicearners.com.


Final Notes:

This agreement is binding on both parties and their representatives. The Investor(s) confirm their voluntary participation in this agreement, free from coercion, duress, misinformation, or deceit by OCEANICEARNERS. The company reserves the right to use the capital from this investment in any subgroup of OCEANICEARNERS without the Investor(s)' consent. OCEANICEARNERS and its directors will not be liable for damages, losses, costs, charges, or expenses incurred by the Investor(s) unless such contravention arises from the company's actions. The parties agree that this agreement is executed voluntarily, and all terms and conditions are clear and willingly accepted by the Investor(s). OCEANICEARNERS values integrity and transparency, and in cases of disputes, parties agree to follow the arbitration process outlined in the agreement. Thank you for using Oceanicearners.com. We are dedicated to providing a secure and fair platform for all users. By using our services, you agree to abide by this Acceptable Use Policy.

Contact Information:

If you have questions about the storage of personal information on this site, contact us please.